Sunday, December 13, 2009

Technology Action Plan

Technology Action Plan

District Technology Data Gathering Processes
The District will use any and all data gathering sources that it feels is necessary to give its stakeholders the information required to make decisions regarding implementing useful technology in all curriculums in the district. The data gathering sources are currently the School Technology and Readiness report (STaR), the Texas Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS), Project Tomorrow, the Annually Yearly Progress report (AYP), and evaluation of district and campus TAKS results. The district will also develop its own system to evaluate the technology accomplishments and needs in the district. This evaluation system will be used in conjunction with the current methods of data gathering to develop a district wide examination of technology use. A technology committee will be established to make recommendations regarding this evaluation process, as well as making other technology recommendations for the district. The technology committee will consist of teachers, administrators, students, community members, and parents.

District Technology Organization
As the District Organizational Chart shows, the Superintendent of the district will employ as many sources as possible to make proper recommendations to the school board regarding technology requirements of the district. Included in these sources will be the collaborative technology committee and The District Site Based Committees. The school board will take the information and recommendations of the superintendent to make informed decisions. The school board will employ the use of legal consultants as it feels necessary to help make decisions in implementing new and exciting technologies in the classrooms. The Principal will lead his campus in a manner that will always foster new and exciting ways for students and teachers to learn. This will include the integration of all technology as provided by the district. With feedback from teachers and technology consultants the principals of all campuses will develop and research needed professional development to incorporate technology into every classroom in a meaningful and useful way. The principal will use as a resource for campus information gathering the Teacher – Student Committee. This committee which will be a collaborative effort between students and teachers will provide the building principal with feedback as well as suggestions for new technology ideas. The teachers have the responsibility to integrate their curriculum with technology that will reach all students and improve the learning process for everyone. All teachers are expected to use professional development to prepare themselves and their students to use 21st Century technology in all areas of life. The students of the district will be immersed in the technology that surrounds them in the 21st Century world. The students of the district will have a fulfilling technology integrated learning atmosphere. They will be prepared for a global world when they graduate.

Technology Professional Development
Professional development as it pertains to technology will be four-fold. 1. The employee will be required to attend 4 professional developments that pertain to technology needs in their classroom sometime during the year. 2. The employee will receive at least three online professional development trainings as set forth by the principal of each campus. These may be done at home anytime during the year. 3. The employees will be required to have two days of campus professional development as outlined and prepared by district leadership. These two days will be during the week and the school district will provide substitute teachers. 4. Each employee will be required to attend a district wide technology meeting. This meeting will be used to explain and answer questions regarding new technologies of the district. The meeting will also be used to develop and reinforce the campus and district-wide technology committees.

Evaluation of Technology Action Plan
The Action plan as outlined will be evaluated by many avenues. The School Technology and Readiness report (STaR), the Texas Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS), Project Tomorrow, the Annually Yearly Progress report (AYP), and evaluation of district and campus TAKS results will continue to be evaluated for improvement in all areas. The districts own evaluation process as set forth by the local school board will also be used. The district will also rely on data such ACT and SAT scores, Graduation / Drop-out rates, extracurricular participation and success, and college graduation rates of district students.

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